:en:ıs-ought problem ne demek?

The is-ought problem, also known as the fact-value gap, is a well-known philosophical dilemma that states that one cannot logically derive what ought to be from what is. In other words, just because something is a certain way, that does not mean it ought to be that way.

For example, one cannot derive moral judgments from purely factual statements. Just because it is a fact that many people steal, that does not mean it is morally acceptable to steal. The fact that something is commonly practiced does not necessarily make it morally right.

The is-ought problem has been explored by philosophers throughout history, including David Hume and G.E. Moore. It raises important questions about how we make moral judgments and whether they can be based on objective or subjective factors.

Overall, the is-ought problem is a reminder that we cannot simply assume that what is true is also what should be done, and that moral questions require a more complex and nuanced approach.